48 is Great!
I had a birthday last week. The big 48. Depending where you are in your life, that number may seem big or small. To me, it simply is. I had one friend tell me that every birthday is a celebration because you're still here. So true. And I am grateful to be here. To be me. This year has seen changes, as they all do. Here are a few things about who I am as a 48 year-old- I am a mother to four adults, two teenagers and two children. Seven still at home. I'm...lucky? I am a soon-to-be grandmother. (Can't wait to hold sweet Phineas!) I am a writer. This is hard to say some days when the minutes seems to be sucked up into some huge time-swallowing beast. But, I'm trying. I am a wife. Almost 23 years now. Lucky me to be married to the Handy Man who spoils me. I am a part-time worker. I've been working at a dry cleaner for two months now. I work while the kids are in school. I really like the job and the people I work with. I am a teacher. With my sem...