Magical Books
I am a reader of books. I am a writer of books. I love books. From my earliest memories, I loved books. I spent hours reading and imagining myself in the places and lives on those pages. I read about Helen Keller and Ann Frank. I read novels that took me to faraway lands and on fantastic adventures. Books are magic. Today, with rain pouring outside, Noah came in my room, flopped on my bed and said, "There's nothing to do." "Let's go to the library." This brought an immediate smile. As the recent owner of a library card, Noah bugs me almost daily to go. While I perused the CD's and wandered the non-fiction section, Noah ran (don't run!) back and forth from the children's section to show me what treasures he'd found. At one point, he positioned himself at a computer so he could look up a book. And, then, he showed me the encyclopedias he'd found and I explained what they are. ("Before we had the internet, this is how ...