Knew Moon
That's the kind of mistake I've been making all morning. I'm working on 2 hours of sleep here, and it's not a good thing. I went to the New Moon premier at midnight and the whole evening was a huge reminder to me- that I'm old . Oh, I know, if you were here, you'd say, "You're not old." and I'd say, "Oh, thanks, you're sweet." (Because I'm working on being gracious about compliments.) But, I'd be thinking, "You're lying to me because you've been taught to be kind to old people." It all started when I arrived at my sister's friend's house. As soon as I walked in, I knew I was the oldest person in the room. Cool when you're 18, not when you're 43. I listened to these 20-30-something girls talk about their kids. Even though I have kids the same age, they have something I'm lacking. It's that fresh-faced enthusiam for motherhood. Yeah, I lost that a long time ago. It was repl...