C is for Cookie

That was the title of my very first blog post four years ago. At that time, all I knew about blogs was that it was a way to share pictures and updates about your family. I read my sister's blog and some friends'.  I updated every week or so.

My how things have changed.

Soon, I began writing down those thoughts that constantly rolled around inside my head. After a couple years, I started this blog just for my writing. It was an outlet for me. I never thought many people (other than those related to me) would read it.  I never dreamed I would be a part of an amazing group like BlogHer.  And, I never imagined I'd be part of a community, an honest-to-goodness circle of friends- who I've never met. I love the fact that I can click over to your little worlds and see what's on your minds.  I like thinking that I'm a part of your lives in some small way.  You lift me up when I'm down. You encourage me. You make me laugh and you make me cry.

So, here's to you, my readers, my followers, my blogging friends. I dedicate my first post, and all the others, to you.

"C" is for Cookie
Noah managed to get the bag of Oreos 
from the counter to his high chair.
His grin says it all.


  1. Now THAT is the way to eat oreos :)

  2. One- your child is definitely adorable.
    Two- Cookies are delicious. Om nom nom. :)
    Three- I've really fallen in love with the blogging community. I'm in awe at how much quiet wisdom and support there is out there for all of us. Stuff like the A to Z challenge would not be possible if there weren't so many cool people out there!

  3. Very nice! It is amazing how quickly we get attached and involved in the lives of strangers...blogging and in real life.

    1. Except what would be considered stalking in real life is totally acceptable in the blogging world. =0)

  4. So glad you hung in there in the blogging world long enough for us to "meet." And loved starting this morning with that adorable Oreo-covered baby face.

    1. I'm the happy one. I'm not sure where I'd be without you. That sounds awfully corny, but it's true.

  5. LoLoLoL I love that picture of him, covered in cookies and grinning like crazy. That is awesome. I hope you have it framed and on your wall :)

    1. I should have it framed. I'd actually forgotten about that picture until yesterday. The pitfalls of having all your pictures on your computer.

  6. That's a great picture. What a victorious smile!

    1. He had the cutest way of crinkling his nose. I miss that.

  7. I love the title of your blog! I need it on a t-shirt.

    What a cute little boy!
    It is amazing how a blog can really change your life in ways you never imagined.

    1. It has changed mine, in good ways. (I'd like a shirt with that on it, too. I'd wear it to Wal-Mart so no one would question why I look like I do.)

  8. Aww Jewels, you flatter me. And you are definitely part of my life,you are part of our blogging community.

    And that baby is just adorable. I agree. That's the way to eat Oreos!

    1. Flattery is my compensation for not being able to give you a big hug and a plate of cookies.

  9. Cookie is a FANTASTIC word! :-) Happy A-Z ing... :-)

  10. So cute! New follower here. I’m enjoying reading my fellow “A to Z”ers. I look forward to visiting again.


    1. I agree. This A-Z thing has been fun. It'll be a great month!


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