A is for Angels

As I've said, this weekend was our General Conference.  The talks were amazing and inspiring.  I love the way there's always one or two that seem to have been just for me. It reminds me that I'm watched over and loved.

This year, though, something else stood out more than usual. The Choir. (As in Mormon Tabernacle Choir.)

They always sound good. I always appreciate their talent and their willingness to share that. But, this time, their songs touched me.  I got chills. I wanted to turn the speakers up full blast to fill my house.  Sadie made the comment that they sounded like angels. I agreed.

But, no matter what I say about them, it will not adequately express how heavenly they are. So, here's a video. This was the song they sang yesterday, 'Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing'. (The video is from a few years ago, but it's the same arrangement as yesterday's.)  It's one of my favorites.  It's worth it, I promise.

(Today is the beginning of the A to Z in April challenge. Basically, I'll blog on a subject following the alphabet, starting with A today, B tomorrow, etc. I thought it would be fun. We'll see what I'm thinking when I get to Q or X. )


  1. And what about A for Elder Archuleta? - what a cutie!

    1. Wasn't that cool? He'll be such a great missionary.

  2. You're right! It's utterly beautiful!

    I'm not positive, but I think my uncle has a dvd of a Mormon choir. He says it's beautiful, and I'm inclined to watch it next time I visit. (: Thanks for sharing.

  3. visiting from A/Z Challenge; that is such a beautiful song; thanks for sharing it with us!

    good luck with the challenge!


  4. Yup. Q and X can be interesting. ;)
    I chose topics last fall when I signed up for the challenge, and I must confess that X is a cheat (in that the topic should be spelled with Ex instead of X).

    1. Yeah, I'm thinking x-ray. We've had enough of those around here.

  5. Big chills and tears. Thank you for sharing this video. I love the Mormon Tabernacle Choir when they sing anything, but this was one of my dad's favorite hymns. The basses grab my heart and squeeze it and I can almost hear his voice again from the "courts above".

    1. That part where the men sing a cappella is my favorite. Gives me goosebumps.

  6. Conference was really spectacular this time. But I say that every time. Been reading back a few of your posts. I have thyroid issues too. And I absolutely agree with you... if I see in you church there's no way you'll ever see me in a hospital gown.

  7. Oh what a treat to get to hear and see them. I have heard them since I was a child as my Mother had an album of theirs and played it often. Maybe someday, I will see them live.
    Thanks for coming by and leaving your comment today.
    Peace...Naila Moon


  8. Q, X and Z are the hardest!

    Happy A to Z


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