
I feel sorry for men. Don't get me wrong. I love and respect them. I have many amazing men in my life-husband, sons,father, brothers, brothers-in-law, the list goes on. I just feel a little bad for them. Why? Because they're not women, of course. I'm sure they don't feel that way. If they had to go through what we do every month-I shudder. There would probably be a federally mandated week of sick leave monthly. Then there's pregnancy and labor, suffice it to say, with the nausea, vomiting, backache, weight gain, pain and more pain, families would consist of one child. But, that's not what I'm talking about.

Men will never know sisterhood. I know they have their male-bonding, or whatever. Having never experienced it myself, I don't know for sure, but I don't think it's the same. For some reason, I envision a lot of scratching and burping. Maybe that's because I'm surrounded by boys. I just know that they can't begin to grasp the concept of sisterhood. Women have a connection that is deep and strong. Whether we are related or not, it's there. It could be partly because of our shared experiences. My husband often asks after I have a girls' night if we talked about boobs and periods. Well, yeah. It's much more than that, tho'. These connections started long before we had either of those. Serving with the young women, I can see that it starts early.

I have three sisters. I've never known life without them. Marsha and Jan were my constant companions for as long as I can remember. We played, teased and fought our way through childhood. When I was fifteen, Cindy came along. It was like having a live baby doll. It took a few years, but she has moved on from baby to full-fledged member of the sorority. As I got older, I found sisters who didn't share the same family. You know those friends, who, when you meet them, you feel you've always known them. I think it's because we have (always known them). Our earthly minds are forgetful, but our spirits have an excellent memory. I'm especially grateful we can have these sisters, since my daughter is the only other estrogen-producing member of our household. I agonized and stressed over her not having sisters. I needn't have worried. She has managed, at her young age, to surround herself with girls who fit the need quite nicely. Right now, she has two friends staying for the weekend. They only see each other once or twice a year, yet, when they get together it's like they were never apart. How fabulous that she has that kind of relationship at 13!

We are lucky, we are blessed to be women. We need each other. Some may say that's a weakness, I say it's a strength. What could be better than having someone to share our burdens, lift us up when we're down, nudge us forward when we feel we can't go on? As sisters, we have someone who'll cry with us, laugh with us and who'll tell us when we have food in our teeth. Yes, the men in our lives can do those things. And, sometimes, that's what we need. But, it's good to know we have sisters who'll be there when nothing else will do.


  1. I am grateful too for my female friends. I feel like a draw from their strength when I'm down, even when I don't see them but once a year! I hope I can do the same for them.

  2. I'm glad I have at least one sister....and many other friends, like yourself, that I feel such a great bond with. Even when we go so long in between visits and chats! (We need to remedy that! :D)


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