R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Find out What it Means to Me

I don't like confrontation. I avoid it any time I can. I don't argue and hate debates. I'm not a 'political' person either. Aside from voting in elections, I don't get involved. I never wanted this blog to be controversial or to offend anyone. Because of this, I have some trepidation about this subject. But, this is my blog and I'm determined to be honest about my feelings. This week, I've had some very strong feelings, so here goes.

Next week, our president is going to talk to the students in our country. There are a lot of people who are against (and even angry about) this. I'm so confused by this attitude. I didn't vote for President Obama and I don't agree with much of what he says or does. That said, he is the leader of our country. He earned that honor not by force or coercion. He was voted in by the majority. Whether we like him or not, he deserves our respect and our loyalty.

I've heard people who think he's going to try to 'indoctrinate' our children. With what? Leftist views? Oh, I see. Then it's a liberal idea to stay in school and be serious about education? Hmmm. Maybe I'm more liberal than I thought. It's not like he's going to preach about health care or the war. He's going to talk to kids about education. While they're in school. Seems appropriate to me. I've heard that this is a political ploy. Seriously? His entire speech will be available to read on Monday on whitehouse.gov. There won't be any surprises.

President Obama is the father of two school-age girls. Isn't it possible that he's concerned about the children in our country and is hoping to encourage them? Why do we automatically assume that there's an ulterior motive?

Maybe we need to re-read the Articles of Faith. #12 would be very appropriate right now. -
"We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, magistrates, in obeying, honoring and sustaining the law."
It doesn't say we believe in being subject to the presidents we voted for or the ones we agree with. I looked it up. One of the definitions of 'being subject to' is to give allegiance to. Allegiance-loyalty.

So, I'm sure there are some who read this who won't agree with me. That's ok. Leave me a comment, I don't mind. See, that's what's great about where we live. We're free to have our own opinions and we're free to state them. We're free to send our kids to school. We're free to vote for the people we want to lead us, and we're free to disagree with them. We're also free to not show support or loyalty to those leaders. But, is that the kind of message you want to send to your kids?

I think it's a great opportunity for our kids to hear the president speak to them. It's a good time for us to talk to them about our country and our freedoms. My kids will know that we had the choice to 'opt out' and that our decision was to 'opt in', to show our respect and celebrate our freedom.


  1. You are correct, we do believe in being subject to Presidents. However, we are not sheep, that should follow blindly. We also have the civic responsibility to challenge the direction that they are taking the country. I am a little concerned about what will be said, not because I don't believe that he doesn't think education is important and this is a smoke screen, but because I know how adults make things happen in the school. How do we get parents to join the PTA? We get the kids excited about it. How do we get the parents to buy that fundraiser crap? We get the kids excited about what they get from it. Ultimately, I will be reading the speech before I make the decision to opt in or out, and I intend to be in the school to view it with them. That is my civic responsibility.

  2. Perfectly said! This has been my position as well -- knowing that I, as my children's parent, have an opportunity to discuss with them ANYTHING they may hear during the President's speech that confuses them or sparks a curiosity. I strongly believe that we need to support the President. I support anyone who will encourage my children to get their education. I will teach my children the moral way to go about doing that - it is my job. If a Republican President had been elected and was trying to do the same thing...I guarantee there would be many balking at and degrading those who chose to 'opt out'. What would we have to say about them?

    I will read the speech on Monday and be prepared to discuss it with my children - who will be listening in school.

    Thank you Julie!

  3. I agree with you as well Julie. Whole heartedly! I know that other adults can get my kids excited or teach them about things that i'm not very excited about, but in the end, because of the trust and love we have in our family, they listen to their father and I. I'm not saying we are a perfect family, but I know we can discuss anything that our children hear and teach them what our view/values are on the subject. One of the tricks to this is that I need to be involved in their lives with out running their lives. Then, once we teach them, they have this thing called agency. Now, I'm not thrilled about this whole agency thing:) --- but guess what? I have it too -- and I'm a pretty good person.

    Love and agree with your post!

  4. I agree. It's our role as parents to talk to our kids and know how they're feeling about important issues in their lives all the time. The President of the United States won't be the only person in their lives that they may or may not agree with and others may have a stronger influence over them (a loved school teacher, church leader, family friend....). The lines of communication need to be open. We won't always be there to cover their ears when someone says something that we don't agree with. That's why we're parents...to nuture and teach and hopefully be a source of communication about things important.


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