Just say it- Yes,I'm a Mormon

Dear Mr. Huntsman,
At the age of 21 I flew out to Washington DC to be a nanny.You know, the place you're hoping to make your home?  My employer,Tom, my charge's father, was a sweet, kind lawyer who wore bow ties and spoiled his children.  He is Jewish, a reformed Jew. This, as far as I could tell from living with his family, meant he believed in Judaism and went to temple for the holidays and had bar and bat mitzvah ceremonies for his children. But, as for day to day, or even, week to week observances, there were none. One day, he asked me if there was such a thing as a 'reformed Mormon'.  I laughed. I said that we have 'jack Mormons' but, it isn't really an accepted part of our religion. (I know that term isn't in use anymore, I'm sure you understand what it means.)
This conversation came back to me this week when I heard about  your interview with Time magazine.  I went online to read the interview to make sure I had heard it right. Sadly, I had.
I was disappointed at the way you dodged and maneuvered around questions you clearly didn't want to answer. And then, when asked if you are Mormon, you said, "That's tough to define.  There are varying degrees."
Cjane defended you by pointing out that some people go to the temple weekly and some knit during conference talks (how that defines your membership, I don't know.)  To me, there are no 'degrees' to membership. There are different degrees  of activity, to be sure.  Our spirituality is also on many different levels. But, membership?  Either you are or you aren't. It doesn't matter if your ancestors were saloon owners, they don't determine who you are today.  Were you baptized? Did you make temple covenenants before you went on your mission and when you married your wife, Mary Kaye?  Then the answer to the question is easy.
Yes, I'm a Mormon.
I understand that politicians need to be careful of how they present themselves and they have to be cautious in answers to questions.  But, some things are more important than politics.  Your beliefs, if you have them, are the basis to your soul.  That isn't something you want to hem and haw about. I think that people would be more impressed by someone who stands up for what they believe in and less worried about which religion you belong to.
Perhaps your scripture study this week could include 1 Timothy 4:12-
...be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity."
or Romans 1:16-
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ."
Stand up for who you are and for what you believe in. That will bring respect. Whether or not it brings votes should be secondary.
Sincerely, Jewels- a Mormon

Read Jon Huntsman's interview here-http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2071003,00.html
and cjane's post here- http://blog.cjanerun.com/2011/05/im-okay-with-gray.html

P.S. Heidi- do you like how I used 'hem and haw'? Did it just for you!


  1. Nil was telling me about this the other day. Pretty weak if you ask me and I'm m pretty sure LDS people are not the only ones that see it that way.


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