Another Favorite Thing

I have lots of very talented friends. Really. 
Why they want to be my friend is sometimes a mystery to me.
But, I'm glad they are. My friends.
One of these talented gals is Megan. 
One day I was learning how to make bags and Megan was there.
She said something like,
"These bag straps would be great for a camera."
And, voila, her business was born. 
(Ok, I'm sure there was more to it than that.)
She makes these very stylish camera straps-
Not a great picture, I had to take it with my phone.
They are cute and soooo much softer than the one that comes with your camera.
Now, I've seen photographers who have those strap covers,
Adorable fabric, don't you think? She has so many choices!
and I always want to say, 'Hey, did you know there's a better way?!'
So, if you are a photographer, or like me,
just own a camera and like to take pictures,
and you also want to be less frumpy,
You won't be sorry!


  1. You are sweet -- and yes, that's about how "it was born." :)

    They are a great gift too!:)


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