This Week in Pictures

These pictures aren't in order. 
I can't figure out how to put them in order with the new 
picture loader-thing.
Here's my week in a nutshell-
Noah started pre-school. (He's running away from me
because I wouldn't let him play with a friend.)

I got some new recipes from the Pioneer Woman.
(The oil looks gross because the chicken kept falling out.)

The Chicken Tacos were a big hit.


Jacob has his first experience riding
 a BMX bike at a skate park...

..and his first experience getting stitches.
I've had a lousy head cold all week.
What a way to welcome the fall weather.

The one thing I don't have pictures of is Max.
He missed the whole week of school due to 
a weird ulcer on his tonsil and really high fevers.
He's pretty much back to normal now and will
 be returning to school on Monday- yay!


  1. Oh, now I have the head cold, but my kidneys are hurting as well. I really dislike being sick, but it's giving me time to chat on FB and read blogs! The chicken tacos look yummy! The runaway child is too cute and the stitches look soar! And sorry Max had an ulcer. Those hurt!


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