You Call This Work?

Applications and forms. This is the life of a mom. Between schools, doctor's offices and scouts, it seems I'm always filling something out.  I dread it when I get to that one line-


I never know what to put. I hate the word 'homemaker'.  I can put 'stay-at-home-mom' but that's not really true. I've never received a paycheck for my duties at home. I know, I know, I get paid in blessings. What. Ever. I'm pretty sure that's not what they mean.  My husband works and I spend his money, so I sort of get paid. But, for what?  I don't think 'call girl' would look very good on the elementary school's paperwork.
 I could write this,

Occupationnothing, thanks for the stab at my self-esteem.

Instead, I've started skipping it.  I mean, really, why do they need to know? If I'm a lazy woman who sits home all day, that's my business. I like being home with my kids, I don't want a 'job'. But, it would be nice to finally have that career I've been dreaming of.

Which brings me to my big news. (Drumroll, please.)

I have been invited to join the BlogHer Network.  They have over 2500 blogs and are "one of the largest and highest quality publishing networks of blogs authored by women". This is a huge honor.  I've been a bit overwhelmed by this, worrying that what Iwrite might not be 'up to par'.  I have to keep reminding myself that they chose my blog because of  what I already write, so I need to just keep it up.  What being a part of the netowork means for me is that I'll have some of my posts published on their site.  And, I'll have advertising here, on mine. I'll also have the opportunity to do book and product reviews.

This has caused some serious happiness on my part this week.  I've been smiling nonstop. I even did the happy dance for my teenagers.  I'm sure there were horrified looks on their faces. I didn't care.  Jacob asked me, "You mean you can get paid to write?" Yep, and now when I fill out those forms I can put this-

Occupation: writer


  1. I'm so excited for you! It's about time you start getting the recognition you deserve! I'm doing the happy dance for you too! Hugs!

  2. That is soooo cool! I already knew you are a writer but now everyone else will too!

  3. Awesome news my friend and I am not one bit are a gifted writer who's blog I thoroughly enjoy!

  4. That is amazing news! Congratulations!


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