Gratitude Sunday

(Note: I don't usually post on Sundays, but with NaBloPoMo I'm doing it this month. I thought, with it being the thankful month, I'd do gratitude posts on Sunday.)

I've been trying to be all meaningful and spiritual, as it is Sunday. That's giving me writer's block. So, here's my Sunday in a nutshell and why it makes me thankful.

1- I laid in bed (extra hour of sleep-bless you daylight savings) and listened to my kids get breakfast. My kids get their own breakfast. What about that isn't gratitude worthy?

2-  We made it to church on time. OK, we always get there on time.  I'm annoyingly punctual. But, today, we had to sit three rows closer to the front because we had lots of visitors.  I'm thankful we got there when we did so we weren't on the front row.

3-One of those visitors was deaf and I had the opportunity to interpret for him.  I haven't done that in years. It was fun.  Poor guy may not have gotten much out of it since I'm as rusty as an old wrench.  Someone asked me after if it was like riding a bike. Sure, if you're constantly stopping to get your balance.  Plus, my fingerspelling sucked.  But, I was grateful for the opportunity to use a long buried skill.

4- Two of my boys were put into callings in their quorums (classes).  I'm very proud of my children's leadership skills.  So thankful for my kids.

5- I taught my Primary (Sunday school) class. I teach the 10 year-olds and seriously, those kids rock.  They actually pay attention and answer questions.  Even though they get distracted, "Sister D. do you think we'll have an NBA season?''  "Hey, can you show me how to sign 'I like BYU?'",  they're a blast to teach.

6- I got my after-church-nap.  Momma is always happier if she gets some zzz's on Sunday afternoon.

7-And, now, the kids are in bed, the kitchen is clean and the Handy Man and I are watching football.  Well, he's watching football and I look up when there's a good play.  I'm thankful that he likes football, but not to the extent that I become a widow during the season. I'm thankful we had a relaxing Sabbath- that doesn't always happen.


  1. I am jealous of your afternoon nap and your getting-to-church-on-time skills! :)


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