Secrets of the Blog-Blog Sisterhood

"It's hard to be responsible, adult and sensible all the time.
How good it is to have a sister
whose heart is as young as your own."-Pam Brown

Me (with tongue) and my older sister, Heidi.
I've posted about my sisters before.  They are woven into my life's tapestry in such a way that it would destroy  it should I try to take them out. There are many other women in my life whom I consider sisters, who also are entwined in my life.  They give my tapestry color and diversity.

 I cherish sisterhood. There is strength in women and more so when those women have a bond.  Men don't have the same connection. Oh, they can be brothers and friends, but I honestly believe that they cannot have the closeness that women do.  We are lucky.

Perhaps it's our nurturing nature. Not necessarily our motherhood, because I've felt it, do feel it, with many women who are not mothers.  But, it is something in our capacity to bear children and our tendency to tenderness that pulls our hearts together.  We are creators, whether it is children or businesses or homes.  We have the desire and drive to make things.  Yes, men have this desire, too. But, for women, it is embedded in our DNA,  a physical connection to our souls.

This month, as part of NaBloPoMo, I've read many blogs.  And, have had mine read by many others.  What I have discovered is a new sisterhood.  Women who are creating with their words.  They make me laugh, cry and think.  I leave a comment, they leave one and it's like a pinky promise to be friends.  I feel connected to them as I try to share my thoughts in such a way that someone might be enlightened or just entertained.  I am grateful for these new sisters of mine.  I don't know their faces, sometimes don't know their names, but I am learning to know their hearts.  They have good hearts. Now, they are threading their fibers into my tapestry, adding color and life of their own.


  1. I love this. And all of it is so, so true.

  2. Well said. I have only brothers so am even more grateful for my "non-familial" sisters.

  3. This gave me goosebumps for bunches of reasons.


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