Love Week- Day One

Our home is decked out in red and pink. There are hearts, cupids, and banners that exclaim love and my desire to possess everyone in the house.
Be Mine!   (I'm sort of selfish that way.)

My kids get very excited for Love Week. Mostly, it's the candy. But, hopefully, they're also excited for the love notes they get each day.  Hopefully, they'll tuck these little treasures in their drawers and when they see them in May or August, they'll be reassured that they are indeed loved.

I try to express love for my family every day. We say "I love you" a lot. I cook them dinners and wash their laundry--little acts of kindness that say I care. But, I think we all need a little something extra every now and then. And, in this day of technology and email and facebook, a hand-written note is rare. Maybe they won't appreciate it until years later, but I cling to the hope that someday they will.

As part of Love Week, I'll tell you some things that I love. Maybe you'll return the favor. Tell me what you love, in the comments, or on your blog. Let me know. Because I want to know. I do.

Today, I love the Handy Man. Not just because he puts up with me and my lack of cleaning skills. Or because he kisses me even when I'm sick. Today I love that he wants to give me the world. No. Really. I've told him that if we were ever wealthy, it would be a bad thing. I'd be spoiled rotten. He hates to deny me anything. And, I'm embarrassed to admit,that I take advantage of that sometimes.

Case in point, my Valentine's gift.

Yep, that would be a new laptop. It's a bottom-of-the-line, basic, don't-do-anything-but-write-and-blog computer. But, it's a huge step up from my old one (which my kids have happily inherited).  I'd like to say that this will help me blog more. Thing is, it's hard getting used to. The keyboard is sleek and flat and my fingers cannot find the keys half the time. But, I'm practicing, and practice in this case, is fun.

Of course, this gift from the Handy Man is for him, as well. And, it's an investment, he keeps reminding me. It will get us closer to me getting paid to write. Whatever. He did it because he likes to spoil me. And, I like to let him.

(Don't forget to tell me something you love!)


  1. Yay for love and laptops and husbands who live to spoil us rotten! This is a post I adore for the pure simple reality of it all. Thanks Jewels, for loving your family so much. It changes the world, you know.

    1. Well, I never thought I was changing the world, but if you say so...

  2. Yeah for love week! I love that my family is supporting me going back to school!

  3. there can never be too much love. eh? especially when it involves chocolate and updated computers...i love little boys who fight me tooth and nail, but then tell me they love me before they fall asleep with such ease it makes me almost doubt the reality of said fighting. and then the look of peace on their faces? oh. i sigh.

    1. Unconditional love. Kids are best at it.
      (And, I love your boys' cheeks. Oooh! I could just eat them up!)

  4. Yay laptops! That's pretty much the same one I have! Good news: it still works after a year!
    Today I love my kids and their phases. I love my baby with her big, round eyes and chubby everything. I love my oldest who will start Kindergarten this fall and who is always impressing me with how smart and capable she is. I even love my two-year-old, who is currently the bane of my existence, because there is nothing as cute as a toddler and the way they say things, especially "Sowwy mom!" (good thing, or she'd have problems).

    1. Stages are a good thing.
      I love that picture of your little one with the keyboard.

  5. I love that you have the Handy Man! How awesome is that! I almost forgive you for living in a world that allows candy on Valentine's Day. Chicago sucks sometimes. We're always ducking bullets and getting denied free sugar. What's your address again? (;

    1. I'm thinking it might be good for me to live in a Candy-free Land. And, mine isn't even free.

  6. I love reading your blog and enjoying your talent for writing. I love having you for my niece and including me in your family activities. I love the fond memories I have when I lived with your family in Arizona.

    Aunt Elaine

    1. I love that you read it. And that we all live close enough to see each other often.

  7. My sweet hubby was smart enough to ignore me a few years ago when I turned him down after asking if I wanted my own lap top. What for? I asked. I can use the main computer...after all, the kids are at school most of the time and I'd have it to myself anyway. But he bought me one anyway for Christmas that year and I sure do love him for it!!!
    Today I love chocolate covered blueberries, my cute red jeans that make me feel skinny (despite those chocolate covered blueberries), and fun text messages from friends. I also love my hubby and kids...but those are just gimmes. :)
    Would you believe that I still haven't pulled out my Valentines decor? I'm not sure it's going to make it out of the storage room this year...I am just so behind on everything! Sheesh!!

  8. Oh how your Handy Man truly knows the way to your heart!!

    What do I love.....Soo many things, right now transatlantic friendships forged in digital code!! Oh and gorgeous smiles at new discoveries on my munchkins faces and the fact my OH loves me enough to endure the city because he know I love it and......

  9. I love your posts--and I am sitting here more than two months after this one was written trying to figure out how I have fallen this far behind in reading them. Happy new laptop, which by now I'm sure you've mastered. ;)


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