The Gift of a Friend

The night before our wedding, the Handy Man and I went out for pizza. He dropped me off at my parent's home and went back to our brand new apartment alone (for the last time).  I remember the nervous, happy anticipation.  How in the world would I sleep? It was like Christmas eve. I woke up the next day and found Santa had filled my  wish list a few weeks early.  He was all I ever wanted and everything I needed.

When I'd dreamed of who my husband would be, I never imagined that he would be my best friend. There is no one I would rather be with.  He loves me for who I am- faults, rolls and all.  He supports my goals and encourages me.  The days are not always easy, but there is laughter often.

I'm not one for giving advice, but I will tell you three things that have added to our success-
*pray together
*laugh every chance you can
*a lock on the bedroom door


  1. Congratulations! I hope you have a wonderful celebration planned. :)

  2. The being married to your best friend is a true blessing--and continuing to cultivate that friendship is an underrated skill that many people overlook in their marriages.


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