Welcome to Love Month

The new month welcomed me this morning with a lovely pink sunrise.  The sun blushed the horizon over my snow capped mountains. (Did you know I own mountains? heehee)  It made me smile. So appropriate for this month of love.

Years ago, when my kids were all little, dates were few and very far between.  Babysitters cost too much and we were hard pressed to find one who would watch our large brood.  So, Valentine's day was just another day, with the exception of preparing those little cards for class parties.  One year I decided to change that.  After my children went to bed on Valentine's Eve, I decorated the house.  Nothing fancy, just red streamers, a few hearts and balloons.  When they got up, it was a sweet LOVE surprise.

Since then, we've expanded to Love Week, where we have favorite meals, treats and a box for Love Notes.  The kids are encouraged to give each other Valentine's, and between the Handy Man and I, they get at least one every day.  They look forward to it and are very excited when they get home from school each day to check the Love Box.

This year, we're expanding again.  Today, I'm christening Love Month.  I've been putting up decorations for the past couple weeks and starting today, there will be something each day to express my love for my children. (The Handy Man, too. Cuz, I love him best of all. Don't tell.)  This is where the internet becomes invaluable.  I'm excited to start looking for ideas. I try to make sure my kids know I love them everyday, but there's nothing wrong with spending a whole month showering them with my affection.

Let the Love Fest begin!

(As part of Love Month, I'm going to share something I love everyday.  Today- my amazing mountains that I get to see each day from my window. I know, I'm a lucky girl!)


  1. I have never been a huge fan of Valentine's Day, but I absolutely love surprising my monkeys with frilly pink and red goodness on the morning of the 14th. I suppose there will come a day when they won't be thrilled to have their Mama be their Valentine, but until then...

  2. My 'adopted' daughter told me today that she normally hates Valentine's, but is excited for our month of love. (She's 19, so hopefully the monkeys won't ever outgrow it!)

  3. That sounds wonderful! So creative and a great time to put all the awesome Pins from Pinterest to use! :D

    Ah, one day I'll quit burying myself in chocolate I bought for myself because they were on sale and actually celebrate Valentine's Day with streamers and hearts hanging from the ceiling.

  4. Your mountains are beautiful. They are so beautiful you should share them :)
    Happy first day of Valentines month!

  5. Larissa- get some streamers,girl. Your brother would probably love it.
    Judy- I'm pretty generous with my mountains. I let anyone gaze at them and even use them whenever they want.

  6. Being a prairie boy, I like mountains but they spoil the view.

    love month is a good idea. except I only have two loves and both have to do with food.

  7. Garry- our love month involves LOTS of food!

  8. When my kids were younger, we did it up for Valentine's Day. They're all over it now, though and even if they weren't ten years of working in the floral industry really ruined the day for me. I think it's sweet that it's expanded to a whole month at your house, though. ;)


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