
I'm home from my girl's weekend. It was wonderful and I'm having a hard time putting my mind back in 'mommy mode'.  I'll share more about it tomorrow. For now, here are some pictures.

The Marriot Center- lots of estrogen!

The Y mountain.

Celebrating Sarah's birthday.
(Notice the princess crown.)

Marriot Center, day two.

Me, Heidi, Sarah, Ellen.

Gorgeous, yes?
(This one is for you, Larissa.)

Long lines for the more popular talks.

We had such beautiful weather!


  1. Looks like so much fun! And the tulip are lovely! :D

    Glad you had a good weekend!

    1. It was great. (I wish I could grow such lovely flowers in my yard.)

  2. Hah! You spelled eXcellent eXactly the way I do!


  3. Sounds like a special experience. Beautiful photos.

  4. Great pics - looks like a grand time! BYU gave Chicago Jim McMahon (the only quarterback to lead the Bears to a Super Bowl win). Please pass along my appreciation!

  5. Sounds like an eXcellent time! I'm taking a last minute blog jog to meet some new friends from the A-Z challenge list. Following :)

  6. Glad you enjoyed. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos.


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