Friday Fun

Here's what we did today-


  1. A fellow mormon mommy blogger! I am shocked that we are such a minority on this a to z blog list! I once had a naive thought that mormon moms dominated the blogging world ;o)

    Love the easter eggs (and your post about your daughter was lovely---I had the impression that I was going to have 4 daughters when I was a newlywed, and that's exactly what I had)

    here's my a to z blog

    1. I learned the same thing- about Mormon mommy blogs. I love all the diversity out there.

  2. My daughter is 17 and just asked me the other day if I thought she could call my brother so she could color eggs with his kids. I told her we could still color here, but she really misses the fun of doing it with younger kids. Love the pictures.

    1. I guess it wouldn't be the same without the little ones.

  3. I totally like Mormons. You know how I feel about Donny Osmond, right? Catholics around here are kinda like Mormons. Except we name our kids Sean, Daniel, Michael, Conner and Eamon. And then there's the occasional Mike's Hard Lemonade. You won't hold that against me, right? (;

    1. Never would I hold that against you. We could sit and chat while you drink MIke's and I drink my diet Coke.
      I need to do some reading back on your blog to find out about Donny. I was totally planning to marry him when I was 8. You clearly have great taste in men.

  4. Okay, so maybe I'm late in visiting and saying as much, but, I really love the change of scenery. Pretty, pretty.

    My little Alpha (who proudly presents his age on two tiny fingers, though it may still take him a second to push the other fingers down) and I dyed eggs tonight. I fear it was more of a, "Wait, don't touch that. Oh, wait, not yet. Sit down please. Alpha, please listen to Mama. Oh wait, bah. Sit down please..." than it was pleasant. But we'll definitely try again next year :) I love your pictures, always.

    Happy Easter!

    1. Thanks. I was feeling the need for some 'springtime' on my blog.
      I don't really like dyeing eggs. It's better now that they're older, though.

  5. Hi there, I've met a few Mormon bloggers now, which is great because I'm one too!
    I remember painting eggs for Easter when I was a young lad!

    This is me, Duncan D. Horne, visiting you from the A-Z challenge, wishing you all the best throughout April and beyond.

    Duncan In Kuantan

    1. Thanks for visiting, Duncan. I have to admit I had to google Kuantan to see where it is. How cool.

  6. yay! pretty!
    nice job, love getting messy with the kids!

    1. See, again, that's why it's so great that they're older. I didn't get messy at all, and the plastic table cover was perfect- when we were done, I just rolled it up with all the papers inside and threw it away.

  7. I really enjoyed your post today. It reminded me of the days I use to dye eggs with my children. Really lovely, simple times.

    Stopping in via the A-Z blogging challenge.

    Bev @ Blue Velvet Vincent

  8. I miss doing this :)
    Do check out my G at GAC a-z


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