it's all about You

As you know, I spent two days at a women's conference.  One of the hardest parts was trying to decide which classes to attend.  I went to classes on being patient with yourself, arming your home and family, and choosing laughter.  I learned so much and was inspired by the things I heard. What is interesting, though, is that if you asked me what had the largest impact, I would have to say it wasn't a talk.

One of the classes I looked forward to most was given by a man named Brad Wilcox. I had heard Brother Wilcox speak before and knew that he is an engaging and spiritual presenter. We went to his class where he spoke about names and the power they hold. I loved it. But, what I learned from him happened after he spoke. 

We had thirty minutes until the closing session and as I sat waiting, I watched him. He's very well-known and popular.  People like that attract other people.  He walked the floor, being stopped several times.  I wasn't close enough to hear what anyone said (I'm your biggest fan!), but I had a clear view of his response.  For each and every person, he stopped. He looked them in the eye. He listened intently to whatever they had to say. He touched their arm or shoulder and when they were done (no rush), he gave them a hug.  I sat in awe as I watched this busy man take time to speak to every person who wanted his attention.  I can guarantee that each of them felt like he cared and walked away feeling important.  He was treating them the way the Savior would. 

I realized as I watched him that I need to follow his example.  I don't have fans who come up to talk to me. I do have children who crave my attention every day. I often find myself half listening to them as I continue whatever cleaning, cooking or computer task I'm busy with.  How different would they feel if I stopped, looked them in the eye, listened intently, touched them and then hugged them?  I am not a famous anything, but I am their mother.  They deserve no less than the very best I can give them.  And, isn't that my goal? To treat others as the Jesus would?

It's said that actions speak louder than words, and he proved that it's true. 

image from


  1. Lovely reminder. Thank you. makes me think, think...I'm heading off to process.

  2. Another good reminder. I think many of us have a gap between what we believe in and what we act on. It can only be a good thing to work on closing that gap a bit.

    1. Yeah, that gap can be a chasm. I need times like last week to remind me what I need to do.

  3. Sometimes my kids have asked, "Are you listening to me?" and I have been shocked to realize I have not. I thought I was, but I was also multi-tasking and not giving them the attention they needed. I can't tell you how many times I have set aside my work and looked at them as they talked, listening to what they said and what they didn't, so they would know I am paying attention. It is a good reminder to have!

    1. Being able to multi-task it a double edged sword. I've known that I'm not a great listener, and this really helped me see how to do better.

  4. Great lesson. And, again, I am still so jealous - - I need to make sure I go next year!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Plus, it will be very good practice for when you are constantly approached by fans!

    Seriously, though, this is just a fantastic reminder. It is refreshing to hear of people who practice what they preach.

    1. It is refreshing. I'd seen the same man speak to a group of youth. Afterwards, every kid that came up to him got a hug. I hug my own kids, but have a hard time with others. Something I really want to improve on.

  6. Way to make me feel guilty. Like I need more of that in my life? Fine. I'll let Joey out of time-out. He's only been in there for hour? Seriously, good reminder here.

    1. No guilt. Okay, I felt a little guilt. But, I'm working through it. And, yes, please, let the poor kid out!


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