
I tried to write something. 

I got nothing. 
Maybe the heat is frying my brain.
Here's a couple pictures of what we did today.

No worries. No responsibility.
Life is just one big splash pad.


  1. Our neighborhood splash pad is one of my favorite places in the city. I love these pictures. They reek of summertime and all good things.

  2. That flashed me back to my childhood! My kids prefer a dip in the river, but I was raised on sprinklers and splash pads. Give me a kiddie pool and mister, and I'm a happy camper!

  3. I like the music for the teleBision commercial for our local water park, very catchy.

  4. I want that kind of day! With freeze pops, please.

  5. Love the pictures and can totally identify with the fried brain syndrome. I have so much catching up to do--reading and writing-wise, but it's so tempting to just sit like a slug in front of the fan or run off to spend the day at the lake. ;)

  6. I think my brain must be getting water logged. I am beginning to think I should move to the other side of the pond!!


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