
Would you like to know what's going on?

I'm sure you're all so eager, "Oh, please, please, tell us Jewels. What the hell is happening that you are avoiding the computer and not reading our blogs and basically being a dork?"

Well, I'm going to tell you. (And, if you really didn't want to know, you can stop reading now and go over to a more interesting blog. I'm just kidding, please don't go!)

I've been pondering this phenomenon, yes, pondering. That's my new word. I like it.  And, it is a phenomenon, because I've honestly been avoiding my computer and the internet, in general. Unless, it's on my phone, which I use to check email and facebook, you know, the really important stuff.

So, I pondered. And what I realized is this--someone is trying to stop me from finishing my book. No, I'm not kidding. This has happened before, but to a lesser degree. Who is this evil personage? The most evil one of all.

Can you say Satan?

I know that some of you don't believe in God, and I'm guessing that means you don't believe in Satan either, and that's cool. Maybe if you believe in good forces, you believe in bad ones. That would be it--him. The father of lies and basic naughtiness. He really hates it when we do good stuff and especially when we create.

See, I was on a roll. I was working so hard and really progressing with my book. Then, last week- nothing. Every time I looked at my computer, I cringed.  I didn't want to get on to read the blogs I love, or go on Pintrest, or write. We were like two magnets with our polarity pushing away from each other.

So, do I think that Satan is only out to stop me?  No way.  He's an equal opportunity discourager.  Have you ever felt stinted in your creativity? Or, like me, just avoiding it for no apparent reason? Yeah, that's it. The whole "I'm-not-good-enough-this-will-never-get-published-who-am-I-kidding" kind of thoughts and the distractions that lead us to do anything but the one thing we should be doing.  Ooh, he's good.

But, I'm better.  My pondering led me to realize these truths (he hates truth) and now I'm back on track.  I will read those lovely blogs, because they inspire me to goodness and to creativity.  I will write and write and write, until my fingers bleed, or until I'm ready to send this thing out--whichever comes first.

Also, I will be writing here. Every. Day. Because I need to and because I need you. All of you.

Come back and visit. I'd like it. A lot.


  1. You might like this talk ... (: http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

    1. Thank you. Thank you. Thank. You. My next post will be about this very talk. I'm so grateful for friends who share such 'genius' with me.

  2. Don't listen to him! You are good enough and your book is great. You can do it! And, btw, I check here every day whether you've written or not. =)

    1. Thanks, Michelle. I'm glad to know I have at least one daily reader.

  3. Yay! Every day posts from you make me happy! Your wish is my command. And Satan sucks.

    A Believer

    1. He does suck,doesn't he?
      And, if it's true, then I wish you would come visit me. =0)

    2. I'm googling directions now...

  4. I am so glad I popped by today, I have had a bit of a wobble over the past few days and it is all because I haven't been reading the lovely blogs that inspire me, I should know I had the realisation a while back.

    Blogging every day has helped me, I hope it helps you too. I look forward to 'seeing' you every day ;-)

    PS you are fabulous, wonderful and inspiring. Don't let anyone (even yourself or the forces of evil) tell you otherwise!!!

    1. I really think blogging every day will help. Gets those creative juices flowing.
      (And, thanks for the confidence boost. You rock.)

  5. I find that now that I am stuck in bed recovering from oral surgery and have the glorious time to read all these blogs my crazy schedule doesn't do justice to, I don't have the wit to respond as well as I might hope. Nevertheless, I will say I can relate. For me, I get focused on "gimme a result" and trash my process, my relationships, my savoring of creativity. That's how Satan shows up for me in my writing life. I've gotten away from it by writing my book, but away from all of you, and I miss you all, miss investing my blogging relationships with the intention they deserve. Your post gives a lot of food for thought.

    1. Funny that the thing that gets us through is to actually write. It's a bit of a vicious cycle-- the blogs inspire me to create and work on my book, which takes me away from the blogs.
      I've seen a lot of us taking time away to work on other projects, which is a good thing. I'm so glad we developed these relationships and that they have a good foundation, so they can survive as we all step away to create.

    2. I love both these comments. I've been so distracted and exhausted and just not motivated where any writing including blogging is concerned, but I love the idea of having built a foundation that can survive the separation.

  6. You. Are. Awesome!!! Tell Satan to take a hike!

  7. While I don't believe in Satan, exactly, I certainly believe in (and have experienced) what feels like Satanic forces--lethargy (sounds fancier than run-of-the-mill laziness), discouragement, hopelessness, etc. Thanks for the pep talk--hope it helps you, too. :)


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