Be my Buddy?

I started working out a few weeks ago.  My friend asked for a workout buddy and I jumped up and down, yelling, "Pick me! Pick me!"  We meet at the gym at 6am. After some cardio, Brigette puts me through a strength training session that leaves me groaning and sweaty. I've noticed a difference.  I have more energy, and my clothes are loose. Just yesterday, the Handy Man commented on my bicep, which I flexed for him.  He pronounced that my muscles are bigger than his. It's not true. He carries around huge cabinets and sheets of wood on a daily basis. He has nice muscles. Mine are puny, but getting bigger.

Ever since I 'finished' my book, I've taken a bit of a leave of absence. My writing muscle has turned to mush.  I feel all squishy and soft. My mind is jumbled and I find myself avoiding the computer. I have no writing energy and I'm overindulging in junk thoughts.

I need to write. Often.

I am looking for inspiration. Something to spark my imagination. Cues, prompts, challenges.
I already read Write on Edge, and love their weekly prompts. (Look for this week's prompt tomorrow.)  I guess I need some writing buddies.

 Here's my plea-
Do you know of a blog/website/great-Aunt-Mildred who might inspire me? Would you share?
And, if you have a blog, have you thought of doing a weekly/monthly/whenever prompt or challenge? I'd love it if you did. Maybe I will, too.


  1. I'm impressed that you get up so early to work out . . . impressed and a little envious :)

  2. I've been limping along in the topic area as well. I might start looking to those prompt sites for ideas. I also need to take notes when good ideas come while I'm drying my hair or grocery shopping. I always think I'll remember them, and guess what?

    Wait. Where am I again?

  3. I would so love to do this, but I know for a fact that I would fail to follow through...I keep waiting for there to be more time and energy but the time and energy fairy keeps failing to come through for me. What a butthead.

    I look forward to the fruits of your labors, though. ;)

  4. The time an energy fairy must be seriously occupied elsewhere because she never seems to show up for me either!!

    I occasionaly follow the GBE prompts I even tried to do it every week once upon a time but then when inspiration did strike all by itself that would take over and I have eventually forgotten what a good kick up the arse it can be. I may just have to take a look again!! Looking forward to your prompt driven writing ;-)

  5. If you do this I will make a point to love the prompts and follow them faithfully. I'm not sure that I'd do it otherwise, but for you? Duh.


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