Some Things I Love, and Some I Don't

It's Friday. Here's my life in a nutshell. Because I'm nutty.

I made it through two weeks of school. At least three of those days, we had a morning-long fight about whether or not Max could stay home 'just for one day'. (He didn't.)

When things are going well, do you worry about the next trial that's just waiting to fall? Do you wonder and speculate what it might be? Are you ever right? Yeah, me neither.

I've been working out with my friend, Brigette.  I haven't been this sore since I tried out for dance team in high school. I love that I'm at a point in life where I don't mind being the only woman in the gym.

One reason I love being a grown-up? Telling a bunch of high schoolers that- 'No, that isn't the end of the line. The end of the line is waaay back there, behind me and all these other people who've been waiting. So move!'

I also love when my kid's friends walk past me in the school and call me mommy.

My daughter got a job at Dairy Queen.  So far, she hasn't brought home any free Blizzards. Should that happen, she might have to quit.

I got my son's Eagle Scout certificate from the scout office. His court of honor is in a month. I'm so proud of him.

My husband's color 'sense' is so different from mine. I painted my toenails this awesome orange, you know, fall colors.  He looks at it and says, "Nice red polish."   "It's orange."  "Well, reddish-orange."  "Whatever, dude. It's orange."  (I didn't actually call him dude.)

See? Orange.

I've been taking pictures of myself. I'm inspired by my weight loss, and also a comment I read about this woman who had very few pictures of her mother.  I'm trying to get over myself. Here's a couple, I took one and the Handy Man took one. See if you can tell which is which.

With my kids moving out, we have an extra dresser. Extra. I never in my life thought we'd have an extra dresser. I put it in my room. I don't even know what to put in it, I just love knowing I have some extra storage space. Extra.

(Say extra over and over. Sounds funny, huh?)

Tonight I am going on a girls night with my sisters. Yay!! We're going to the Utah State Fair and staying in a hotel. With a hot tub. I am going to eat fattening fair food, laugh till my stomach aches and boil myself in the jacuzzi. 24 hours without kids. It feels a bit like Christmas eve.

Last, but not least, I've received one rejection so far. This is okay.  I knew I'd get some. I decided that checking my email is like ripping off a band-aid, just do it quickly. Putting it off won't make the rejections go away. (But, I'm so relieved when I find no emails from agents!)  One of my friends told me something that I LOVED. She said, "Not rejection...just one publisher/path that won't work for you. You're just weeding out the paths that aren't right and the path that IS right will open up."  (Thanks, Teddi!)

Have a fabulous weekend!!


  1. All of this. It's just a full bucket.
    That is definitely orange and you are so beautiful. There definitely need to be more pictures of you.
    A rejection means somebody read it, right? It will come.
    Enjoy your Christmas come early. That sounds like so much fun.
    You may not realize this, but you are a lifeline. In so many ways. Thank you, Jewels.

    1. Have I mentioned how my siblings try to make each other cry? (good cry) Welcome to the family.

  2. I think your friend is on to something there! Very proper way to put it. (:
    Enjoy your weekend! Sounds wonderful!

    And I agree with TL, you're beautiful Jewels.

  3. Great stuff! And, by the way, I call my husband "dude" all the time!

  4. Love that perspective! And we definitely need 'extra' photos of you. Enjoy your girls time and the distraction ;-)

    1. I wish I had been more open to having pictures taken when my skin was younger!

  5. Oh how I love this little window into your world. I love that I get to boil myself in my imagination vicariously through you. I love that you gave us not one, but two pictures of you. I find you to be very inspiring, so I'm glad you're finding inspiration in you too. Happy holidays/weekend!

    1. I boiled myself till I was done. It's a good thing I don't have a hot tub at home, I'd never leave it.

  6. Love this post--love your attitude about just everything--and that is definitely orange on your tootsies. (PS--The color issue reminds me of a time a few months ago when I was looking at a shirt in a catalog and I asked Hubby what he thought of it and he said the shirt was fine just "not in that color" (the color was described as sunshine yellow or something). Yeah, too bad I'd already ordered it in that color...)

  7. I love your pictures. Your hair has gotten long. Don't worry--there is a publisher out there for your book.

    Aunt Elaine

  8. Tell me more about this "empty dresser" phenomenon. Sounds wonderful. I'm saying another prayer that there's at least one smart person left in publishing who appreciates talent. After I'm done, I've got to fight my urge for a Blizzard.

    You look beautiful as always!

    1. The dresser is still mostly empty, though I did decide one of the drawers will be for hiding treats- for my husband, not for me.

  9. You look beautiful—face and toes—and I'm sure the publisher who scoops up your book will be just the right one.


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