An Epic Contest

You know how you had that friend, the one you wondered why they liked you because they were way too cool to be hanging out with you?  Yeah, I have one of those.

Her name is Marianne and she writes this awesome blog called We Band of Mothers.  I'm not sure how we came to be friends, but I thank my lucky stars that we did.

Marianne has a book coming out.  It's called, Epic Mom, and though I haven't read it yet, I know it will  be, well, epic.

Marianne is having a contest on her book's facebook page.  It's super easy to enter, and if you win, you get a copy of the book. Awesome!

All you have to do is 'like' her facebook page-!/epicmombook .  For every 100 likes, she'll give away a book to one 'liker'.  Once she gets to 1000 likes, she'll pick the winners. Easy peasy.  You know you want to. And, you have a much better chance at this than winning the Lotto.

So, go ahead. Like her page. And, while you're at it, check out her blog. She's hilarious.  And, don't forget, she's my friend!


  1. Oh, Frazzled. It is I who am honored to know you! Thank you so much for posting, and should I ever meet Donny Osmond because of all this, you shall be standing right there beside me. Love you!! xoxo Walshie

  2. I officially liked her although I already unofficially did! :O)

  3. *happy dance*
    Thanks for letting me know .. I'm wondering why I hadn't already "liked" her because she's just plain awesome ...! 1,000 here we come! :)

    1. She is awesome, huh? I don't think it'll take too long to get to that magic number.

  4. Do you know I have see those little jelly baby cute looking dolls around and about and always thought I should go and investigate, but never have. Shame on me

    No time like the present, right? Thanks for the kick up the *ahem*

    1. You are a smart Sleepy Joe. And thanks for the new follow!

  5. I love Marianne! so glad I checked out your blog too. I keep finding new people on her book fan!

    1. Lillian - you picked a good one. This blog is one of my absolute favorites.


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