Don't Worry, Be Happy

So, apparently, there are some people who are feeling down today.  Not sure what the big deal is, or why there's such an epidemic of the blues.  I mean, the campaign is over. Over. No more ads or debates.  I for one am feeling pretty good.  Maybe all the people I voted for didn't get elected. So? I got to vote. And I didn't have to risk my life to do it. That's pretty cool.

I do know a few of the people who are bummed today. Like the lady who didn't get to be on city council.  Oh, and maybe this guy.


Now, if you were him, then you'd have a reason to be grouchy. ($752 million. Holy crap! I'd be in a foul mood, too.)  If you find yourself feeling kinda grumpy, or if you're Mitt, then, I have some friendly advice.

1- Exercise.  It gets your endorphins going.  I don't know what those are. Sounds kinda like dolphins.  But, hey, dolphins are happy.  So, it's got to be good.

2-Sing. Sing a song. Sing out loud. Sing out strong.  Can you just hear Karen Carpenter's voice?  No? Then you're too young. Look her up. Her voice will make you smile.

3-Eat some chocolate. And, not that dark stuff. It may be 'good for you' but so is broccoli. Have some of the fattening kind. With nuts.  Or peanut butter. Or caramel. If you wash it down with diet Coke, it cancels out the calories.

4-Look at pictures of cute little animals. Like this one. It's my dog, Patrick. Cutest dog. Ever.

5- Watch a funny video.  This one is hilarious. I dare you not to laugh.

6-I would suggest retail therapy, a nice shopping trip can really perk me up. But, if you're Mitt, and you've just spent millions, maybe you should skip this one.

7- Last of all- be grateful.  Make a list of your blessings. How appropriate that it's that time of year. Life is good and we have so much to be thankful for. Be hopeful, be happy.


  1. I like the chocolate idea . . . although I should do the exercise thing, too :)

  2. Yay, now that is the Jewels that I know and love ;-)

    I giggled all the way through this post and I needed to I am up at 12.45am with a daughter who has not yet learnt to hit the toilet when ill. I am thankful, why you ask? Because I now have a spotless bathroom ;-)

    On a serious note (ish) endorphins are released when you run a bump, we are always telling our kids to 'rub it, it releases the dolphins' when they are hurt. That should make for an interesting discussion in biology someday ;-)

    And very serious 'I got to vote. And I didn't have to risk my life to do it. That's pretty cool.' Damn Straight!!!!

    Thanks for making me smile on this very late night. I hope NaNo is going well for you!!

    1. PS loving the Steven Pressfield quote at the side. I am now hoping it hasn't always been there and I have only just noticed?!?

    2. Boo for late nights and cleaning up after sick kids!
      (The quote has been there a while. I was thinking of taking it down, but now I'm glad I didn't.)

  3. Fun post. I especially got a kick out of your comments about Karen Carpenter... and poor Mitt. (HA!) I think he can still afford to go shopping.

    1. Yeah, Mitt can afford it. I wouldn't be surprised if his wife doesn't get a whole new wardrobe this week.

  4. Oh Jewels. I think I love you.

    Well, you AND the cute puppy.

  5. Dolphins

    I just happened to be reading about killer whales earlier today. [I study rather ran-dumb-ly.] They are veRy complex. Orca. I think some people prefer a different name for them. They are more dolphin-y than they are whale-y, I think that is what I have learned.

    At times I wish they were caLLed en-dork-ins, as that might fit me better. Today I feel dork-y. I am not sure. Why.

    1. Endorkins! I feel dorky pretty much everyday, so that's totally appropriate.

  6. This made my whole day. You make me both hopeful and happy.

    1. So glad, we all need to be more hopeful and happy.

  7. Love this post, thank you. I agree with #4: cute animal pictures always cheer me up and Patrick is super cute!

    1. It's hard to be in a bad mood with his little face in front of you.

  8. There is very little in this world that the sound of a giggling baby can't fix. (All that other stuff would probably work, too.)

  9. I love Patrick. Soooooooo cute!!!!!


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