A Guest Post Gift

Can you wait a day for my next tip? I hope so because...drumroll, please.............

I am guest posting today on the most amazing, fabulous, stupendous We Band of Mothers blog.

Marianne is my virtual BFF- in the sense that we have never met, or actually spoken, (and she's never agreed to the title of BFF, maybe imaginary is a better word).  Someday, when I'm rich and famous, I'll get myself to Chicago to meet her.  Until then, I read her blog, and her Chicago Parent articles, and her book.

See, told you she was awesome.

(Click here to read my post.)


  1. Oh crud - your post is now not my headliner because of my slated agreement with Coca-Cola for today's post. It is there, though! It's just yesterday's post now. Thank you for writing such a great guest spot - I absolutely love it. I also accept the title of Virtual-BFF with humble gratitude and over-the-moon happiness.

    1. Because of my undying loyalty to Coca-Cola and their diet drink that gets me through the day, I'm okay with it. Just being on there is enough for me, BFF.

  2. Read it. Loved it. Of course wanting more.

  3. I am catching up I promise I will get there ;-)


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