Friday Link-Up

I love Larissa's link-up, because it gives me an excuse to tell you about my life. Ha. Like I don't already do that here.
To answer her question, this is what's been going on.

Last Saturday, I had a girls night with my sisters.  We went browsing at a furniture store (for Ellen, not me. I only dream of new furniture, like this really awesome leather sectional.

 Someday...)  Then, we went to the movie and saw 'The Impossible'.

OK, now, I could write an entire post about this movie. It was amazing and I highly recommend it.  Unless you have a heart problem, because it is an intense rollercoaster ride!  Also, bring tissues, because those napkins from the snack bar just don't cut it. (I cried through about 75% of the movie.)  I can pretty much guarantee that you will come away feeling like your problems are not that bad. 
 I LOVED this movie and plan to take the Handy Man to it as soon as possible.  (Also, finish your nachos/popcorn/candy in the first five minutes, because after that, you will be too involved to eat. My nachos ended up on the floor under my seat, half eaten.)

Then, on Monday, because my family has a get-together-addiction, we went to dinner.  All my siblings, their significant others, and my parents.  Why, oh, why did I not bring my camera?  I've gotten very sloppy about this.  (Note to self: take your camera every time you leave the house!)  My parents, my older sister, Heidi,and my sister-in-law Kerrie,  all have birthdays coming up and we usually go out to dinner to celebrate.  My dad is having surgery on his birthday, so we did it early.  It was great.  Chinese food and lots of laughter and teasing- some things never change.
Terah, Marc, Sarah, Matt
(NOT from our birthday dinner.
But, we needed a picture.)

Ellen, Heidi, Mitch and Terah, again.
(The guy in the back was a visitor, no idea who he is.)
(These are from Christmas Eve, but it's the same people.)

Monday and Tuesday we had no school.  By Wednesday, I was ready for them to go back.
Today, they're home again!  Ack! Yes, after a snow day a couple weeks ago, today was an 'ice day'.  Why?
My front steps. It's melting!!

Yesterday we had a rare phenomenon in Utah- freezing rain.  Noah and his little kindergarten friend fell down about 6 times in my driveway waiting for the bus.  Then, after school, I watched in horror as the kids got off the bus and slipped and fell down the street.  I decided in the wee hours (stupid insomnia) that I would NOT be sending them to school today.  Our district put off the start for two hours, but I just kept them home.  No complaints. Luckily, I got groceries yesterday, (almost biffed it in the parking lot!) so we're just staying in where it's warm and ice free.

Last of all, for a smile- Noah came in asking for a throw-up-bowl for his dog,who was sick.  He then borrowed my phone to take pictures.


  1. I've never heard of The Impossible. I'll have to google. And what an awesome thing it is to have your family so close together, geographically. I miss my siblings and my mother soooooo much :(

  2. I love it when you guys do these posts!

    And Noah is so considerate for his puppy! (Those photos had me laughing out loud.)

    Seriously, we're watching this movie. We oh so totally are. I've been in a slump where I don't want to watch sad movies but this one I am so so watching.

    Thanks for sharing and linking up, Jewels!

  3. Family & Chinese food is my definition of a perfect day. The ice storms are hitting us tonight - this ought to be good since we're still not allowed to salt our relatively new driveway. Ruh roh.

  4. Family and food, we haven't done that in so long *sigh* looks perfect though, everyone sat or stood in the vicinity of the kitchen (why does that always happen at parties and get together's?)

  5. I am a chronic faller-asleeper in movies, but that one sounds pretty good. And I, too, suffer from Someday...Furniture envy and Forget-the-camera-itis.


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