Simple Celebrations

This is our 'day off' tent.

How did you celebrate President's Day?


  1. That's awesome! I want that tent .... And another day off!

    1. It was fun. And, surprisingly, they didn't tear it down.

  2. We celebrated President's Day by cleaning...and cleaning and cleaning and cleaning. We started at 11:00 and stopped around 8:00. I'm not sure I can remember when the whole house was totally clean all at the same time. I went up and down the stairs so many times I'm sure it counts as a workout. And we changed 18 burned out lightbulbs! How crazy is that? Seems like every light fixture we have has at the minimum, 3 bulbs in it. And we've been lax in changing them when they burn out. Poor Brandon has had nothing but his bedside lamp since at least Christmas. And would you believe that we still have 5 more to change? (We ran out.) Crazy.
    Your "day off" tent looks much more relaxing. Maybe tomorrow I'll make one for myself after the kids go back to school...

    1. OK, I'm not jealous of the cleaning, but I sure wish my house was spotless this morning!!
      (18 lightbulbs? I'm sure I would've ran out after four!)

  3. Love it! I spent all day sewing. I've done all three of my girls' Easter dresses and most of a Simba hoodie in the past two days. I'm on a sewing binge, but hopefully I'll finish all my projects and be back to writing soon. My story calls...

    1. I'm jealous of your sewing skills. My mom always made us dresses for Easter and Christmas. I only have one daughter, but I never made dresses for her. Poor thing. I'm sure she's scarred by it.

  4. Memories! My kids had school to make up for CPS strike days. But next year? We are doing TENTS!

    1. Boo for make up days! We have to do one next month for our snow day we had.
      The tent was great. Not so great? Max asking me, "Why are you being so nice today?" Apparently, I'm not nice much.

  5. I was struggling for something to do with the girls tomorrow, may have to be a bedding fort ;-) Thanks Jewels, looks like you had fun!!


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