Listen to Me

Did you ever wake up in the morning, like usual, you turn over, check the time on the clock, happy to have a few more minutes, listen to the sound of your kids downstairs, cringe at a shout, stretch, then, suddenly-- you remember?

Then you lay there all alone and smile stupidly to yourself?

That was me. This morning.

The reason for my stupid smiling? This-

Last night, just before bed, I got an email. (Yes, I check my email A LOT. It's on my phone, so...) This email congratulated me on being selected for Listen to Your Mother. (jumping, squealing, maybe a victory dance)

My audition was such a coincidence that it surely cannot be coincidence. I was perusing the internet and looking at random ads on a local news site. I clicked on 'Auditions/Pageants', hoping I could enter a Mrs. Frumpy Utah contest. (Me in an evening gown and tiara? Dream come true!) And, there I saw an ad for LTYM/Nothern Utah. In a fit of overconfidence, I sent an email requesting an audition. I wrote my piece, went to the audition and felt good about it. I was glad I tried, stretched a bit. I tried not to get my hopes up.

That I was chosen was a surprise and an honor. I went on their site this morning and when I saw the other presenters, my feelings of honor changed to total intimidation- tinged with total excitement.

So, if you're in Utah, and would like to hear my rants about motherhood, the show is on May 9th at Thanksgiving Point. Tickets can be purchased here. I'd love to see you there, but, be warned, I may or may not be picturing you in your underwear.


  1. Congratulations!!!! You belong there!!!

  2. Replies
    1. Cool mom? Not according to my piece. But, thanks.

  3. I got my email last night too and was so thrilled! Not nervous at all....and then I saw the cast list.
    Glad it isn't just me who is in awe of the women I will share a stage with. I can't wait to meet everyone at rehearsals! And on May 9th, we can imagine people in underwear together. Congrats!

    1. Maybe those women saw our names and got nervous. Maybe?

  4. So glad you are going to be a part! Coincidence, I think not.

  5. Huge happy-dancing grats! So I went through the cast list, clicked on the blogs, scrolled through a bunch of the posts. Three of them made me laugh til I almost peed my pants (not hard to do when a baby is pushing on the bladder, but still...) and those are the three I'll be eagerly listening for.

    You, of course, are top of my three.

    And imagining me in my underwear is definitely worth a chuckle -- belly button sticking out and everything. Gotta love the comfort of granny-panties. Hope that helps :D

    1. That helps, unless it makes me giggle uncontrollably while I'm trying to read my part.

  6. So awesome! I am really excited to meet you! I was intimidated as well. What a neat bunch of women!

  7. This is it, Jewels! This is the beginning. The beginning of a greater public starting to see how amazing you are! I'm so excited for you and so proud of you for doing this. Go Jewels! I'll be cheering you on from here.

    1. TL, you always know what to say to make my day.

  8. How did I miss this post for so long?!?! Congratulations, that is SO AWESOME!! It's the same day as the publication primer thing, but that ends at 6 and the show is at 7 right? So I should be able to make it! Is it only for women, or are husbands welcome? I might see if my neighbors want to go...

    1. I'm pretty sure it's for anyone. Tickets are $10. Ack! I get more nervous thinking about doing this in front of friends than strangers!

  9. I would give my last Oreo to be there! Entering all trips-to-Utah contests now!

    Seriously, congrats, Jewels. I am so thrilled for you!

    1. Thanks, Mar. Wish we were doing it together, THAT would be a blast!

    2. We'd never make it to the stage. I'd totally corrupt you. Can't wait to watch you on YouTube!!

  10. Move over Marianne, I'll be winning them there competitions! Along with anything that will just get me State-side!

    Well done you, no coincidence here just pure talent getting a chance. You go girl and eagerly wait to find out how it goes.

  11. Yay, you! I'm mostly content where I am, but this kinda makes me wish I did live in Utah--at least for one day. Here's hoping there's video. ;)


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