Why I Love Where I Live

Do you love where you live? I think most people have a fierce loyalty to their home state for many different reasons. I love Utah. I didn't grow up here, but I've claimed it as my home. I don't ever plan to leave.  I thought I'd share some of the reasons I love living here.

Reason #1-
These people-

 Lucky for me, all of my siblings, and my parents, live within 90 miles of each other. Which means we can see each other. Often.

Here's a map I drew to give you a better idea.

I should really think about a career in art. Or map making.

(Tell me something you like about where you live.)


  1. Ha ha! That map is awesome. I'm going to start using it to get around.

    1. OK, but I'm disclosing now that I cannot be responsible if you get lost, or fall in the Great Salt Lake (which my daughter pointed out I forgot.)

  2. Your map is fabulous!! I love Utah too! We have family that live out of state and i always take it personally when they say they don't like Utah.

    1. Why do people do that? I don't make fun of their states. And, I could.

  3. I miss Utah so much...because of the people, my friends and family. Lincoln has been great for my kids schooling...so that's something i like about Lincoln Nebraska, the schools.

    1. Good schools are SO important. Your kids have really seemed to blossom there.

  4. Look out Rand McNally! We were planning on retiring to Texas, but you're making a good sell for Utah. As far as Chicago....the people are nice (the ones who aren't shooting you at least).

    1. Come on out, we could be retired neighbors! How much fun would that be?
      (Chicago is first on my list to visit when I win Publisher's Clearing House!)


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