Carpe Diem

Stop. Right now. Whatever you're doing. Tell someone you love just that- I love you. Text it if you must.  Pull your child to you in a bear hug. Kiss your spouse. On the mouth. Smile at a stranger.

And, please, please stop thinking anything awful about yourself. You are a child of God. A divine being with beauty and potential. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

This life is hard. Disappointments abound. Heartache is rampant. Nothing, I mean, nothing is fair. We are busy and bitter and negative.  And, yet, it is beautiful, this existence. It can be difficult to see the beauty, to appreciate all that we truly have.  So..


Take a breath. Watch the sunset. Count a few blessings. Be kind. Sing out loud. Send that email you've been putting off. Forgive someone. And, kiss your sweetheart, again.

None of us know how long we have. For just this moment, be grateful for the gift of being here.


  1. :)

    Thank you for this.

    And kiss your sweetheart again, because I can't kiss mine. So kiss yours just because he's close enough that you can. Please.


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