Guest Post for The Healing Group

The Healing Group is a group of professionals who promote healing through counseling, therapy and education. Part of their goal is to--" strive to create a safe place that enables our clients to talk about emotions and to seek therapy for life’s challenges. We help clients overcome the social taboos against sharing their struggles and emotions regarding mamahood, sex and relationships, mental health and navigating the many transitions life presents."

Also, they were sponsors of Listen to Your Mother- pretty awesome in my book!

Today, they've features a guest post written by little old me. It's about how I sometimes don't like my kids. Can you relate? Click on over (HERE) and check it out. While you're there, check out the rest of their site.


  1. I didn't see where to make a comment on the Healing Group...but I was going to say I am impressed you made it until your kids were that old before you sometimes didn't like them. Oh dear, what is in store for my when my kids hit adolescence!?


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