Easter Reflection

I wonder, on days like today, how the Savior would want us to celebrate.  I'm sure that the increase in church attendance is pleasing. All the chocolate? I don't think he minds.  But, I have a feeling He'd like us to be doing what He would if He were here.  That isn't always easy.
A few days ago, I got a call. A friend told me that a girl, Rhonda, was staying at her home. (Rhonda is a friend of my son.)  She told me that Rhonda couldn't stay any longer, but was a bit reluctant to leave.  She couldn't get her out.  I said I would help. I'd had a bit of a confrontation with Rhonda recently and had no problem telling her to go. Though she had been friends with my son, I had sort of 'written her off' because of some bad behavior.  As I drove to her home, though, something strange happened. My frustration and anger at Rhonda flew out my open window.
See, here's what happened.  Heavenly Father, knowing my temper, put images in my mind.  He made me see Rhonda as one of the young women in my ward. He made me think of how it would feel to be 18 years old with nowhere to go. How would I like it if my parents wouldn't let me come home? If I had no one to turn to? I'm so blessed. I have so many people I can depend on. Rhonda has no one.
Dang it! I drove up to the house and saw Rhonda sitting on the porch.  No longer mad, I walked up and sat down next to her.  We had a calm talk.  I told her she couldn't stay where she was (and she couldn't stay with me), but I would help her find a place. I took her home and she spent the next couple hours with me.  She watched TV, then used my computer to text/facebook friends.  Once she found a place with a friend, I drove her there.  As she took her suitcase out of my car, I waved good-bye- unsure if I'll see her again.  
I have stressed and fretted over this girl for the past several days. I wished I could've done more. My heart breaks at the knowledge that she is so alone in the world.  I know that she isn't the only one like that, and that hurts, too.  As I prayed and worried, I got my answer.  I did what He needed me to do.  She needed to find a place and I helped her do that.  I tried to see her as He does, as a beautiful daughter of God, and that made all the difference.
On this Easter, I'd like to think I learned a lesson.  That to be like Jesus Christ, we need to look at those around us as He does.  We need to be willing to do what we can to help them.  Whether that's a smile, a compliment, an hour of our time, or more.  The challenge is in letting ourselves be guided to where we're needed.  Because we are needed.  And, then we must love as He does. That's hard, because it leaves us open to hurt. But, that also brings us closer to our Savior because He understands. Because no matter what our bad behavior may be, He never 'writes us off'.  Because loving us already brought Him more pain than we can imagine.  Because that is how He loves us.  Unconditionally.


  1. I love your change of heart! Thank you for this post and I say amen!

  2. Thanks for your insights -- we all need to have a change of heart sometimes...for me, it seems to be daily!:) Happy Easter!!


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