Palm Sunday

 I was watching the news and saw a woman in a Palm Sunday service who was wiping tears from her eyes.   As Mormons, we don't celebrate Palm Sunday.  So, it's good to see other religions and the way they express their faith.  We differ in our beliefs and the tenets of our faith, but, as Christians, our core belief is the same.  We believe in Christ.  We believe that He lived, He atoned for our sins, died and was resurrected.  
I'm grateful for Easter, for a time when we can put aside the differences in our religions and focus on the  thing that brings us all together.  Our Savior. 

"It is fitting that during the week from Palm Sunday to Easter morning we turn our thoughts to Jesus Christ, the source of light, life, and love. The multitudes in Jerusalem may have seen Him as a great king who would give them freedom from political oppression. But in reality He gave much more than that. He gave us His gospel, a pearl beyond price, the grand key of knowledge that, once understood and applied, unlocks a life of happiness, peace, and fulfillment.
The gospel is the good news of Christ. It is the revelation that the Son of God came to earth, lived a perfect life, atoned for our sins, and conquered death. It is the path of salvation, the way of hope and joy, and the assurance that God has a plan of redemption and happiness for His children."  -(Pres. Uchtdorf)


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