Springtime Resolutions

My tulips peeking through the soil.

Beautiful, isn't it?
There's something about spring. I know we all like a change in season.  I look forward to fall (Oh! Fall!) and I even look forward to the first snow.(Hard to believe right now.)   But spring has something special. It gives me hope and that -hope- is something I cannot live without.
Spring is also a time of new beginnings.  There's always such a big push at the new year to make resolutions and try new things.  I think spring resolutions would be better.  January is depressing. All that cold. Blech. Now is the time to set goals and think of the things we could do better.  Warmer days are coming. (It doesn't seem that way in Utah, but I have hope!)  The trees are budding, little fingers ready to open and welcome the new season with their flowery offering.  My grass, which suffered a near-fatal summer last year, is turning green, and my tulips are bravely breaking through the ground.
I admire tulips.  They lay in the cold earth all winter, waiting, waiting for the sign.  Then, when the time is right, they begin to grow.  Once above ground, they still have to deal with the cold.  Mine have been snowed on twice now.  But, they don't give up.  They keep on until the warmth finally arrives and they can bloom in all their glory.
I am going to follow my courageous flowers and break some new ground myself.  I am going to celebrate this spring with a celebration of me. My head is brimming with ideas of changes that are long overdue and I have some new motivations.  I will tell you more about this tomorrow.
For now, what do you think? Do you have a spring resolution to make? Will you join me and my tulips?


  1. I'm with you!!:) I am trying to get enough ambition to do something. anything??

  2. MOm, I think the warmer weather will make it easier to get motivated!


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