Six Word Fridays- Make

After two days of complete relaxation.
No phone, no kids, no laundry.
Enjoyed pool, hot tub and naps.
Wish it was longer, but now...
Making my way back to reality.


  1. It's always so hard to come back to reality after a nice getaway. Here's hoping your return to the here and now will be a gentle one ;)

  2. coming back is hard at first
    then my feet tend to quicken
    as i approach those left behind

  3. Leaving behind hot tubs AND naps?!
    I hope there was chocolate at home to compensate. ;)

  4. Welcome back! I trust you didn't miss us like we missed you. ;)

  5. No phone or children? Happy Holidays to you too! lol

  6. Hi Jewels! I awarded you with "The Most Versatile Blogger Award" over at my blog The Greener Bean. I totally don't expect you to participate if it's not your thing -- I just wanted to say thank you for stopping by during NaBloPoMo!

  7. So glad you had a good break! Thank you for stopping by the blog.


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