Happy 5th to My Baby

He doesn't like it when I call him my baby. He doesn't understand I'm not calling him a baby.  But, he will always be my baby. 

He arrived at a time when most mothers are planning graduations and even weddings.  He arrived and soothed my frazzled nerves.  He slept well, ate well.  His was a life of calm and relaxation. He allowed me to stop and cherish moments. With six older siblings, somehow he knew what I needed and handed it to me on a soft pillow of baby love.

Sleeping with his buddy, Patrick.
 Since then, he's been my almost constant companion.  We spend our days together, running errands, playing and whatever else comes up. And interspersed are his frequent hugs and kisses.  He is a lovey boy.

Someday, I will miss this time with him.  This I know. He is already branching out, wanting to spread his little wings.  And, I'll let him go, when I must.  For now, he is my  boy, my youngest and forever and ever- my baby.
Having a birthday breakfast.


  1. Happy birthday to the little man! :)

  2. What an adorable baby your baby was!! And still is :). I call my grown children my babies cuz they always will be. My second son, who will be 21 next month, has always been and still is very lovey. He played football and after the games he would come over in his sweaty uniform and give hugs and kisses. I hope he never stops.

  3. Is that Lucky Charms i spy for his birthday breakfast? My favorite!

    Happy Birthday Noah!!!

  4. Aww. How sweet! Happy Birthday!! Many blessings to you in this new year of life! (:


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