Sister Chat

A while ago, I posted about the Pioneer's Woman's advice about blogging.
'Blog like you're talking to your sister.'
I did it then, and thought I'd do that today, as I'm having a hard time focusing my thoughts.  Here's what I would chat with them about.

How was your weekend? I'd ask.
Mine was good. We got the Handy Man's car fixed after 3 weeks without it. Guess what? It was free. Yes, I realize if we'd taken it in when it first broke down, I wouldn't have had 3 weeks of torture/cabin fever. Let's not dwell on that.
Also, I got a free massage on Saturday. (I swapped babysitting with my friend. She thinks she's getting a good deal. I'm pretty sure I'm getting the better end.) It was heaven. Ninety minutes of pure heaven. Seriously, I think I heard angels singing.  (If you live in Utah and would like some heaven, give Brigette a call.) (She didn't pay me to say such things, just thought I'd share. Nobody gets too much heaven no more.)

Then, I'd ask how their church was on Sunday.
Me? I stayed home. Don't give me that look.  I slept wrong and my pinched nerve in my shoulder made lifting my arm impossible.  I could've gotten through church, but I couldn't do my hair. No way was I going to church with bed-head.

I wouldn't ask Heidi or Ellen about today, since they both work. Mondays aren't so much fun when you're a working girl.  Ellen teaches jr. high, which means she's a saint.  Also, she coaches the girls basketball team.  She's awesome.
Heidi runs the cafeteria at a jr high (not the one Ellen teaches at, but wouldn't that be cool?).  She's an amazing cook and those kids are lucky.  Also, she's like the coolest lunch lady in history- even with a hair net.  When I grow up, I want to be like her.
I would ask Sarah about her day.  She has little kids and stays home, so Mondays aren't so bad.  I'd tell her that she should've gone with me to DI, because I got another purse there. =0)

Last, I'd tell my sisters that we definitely need to plan our girls weekend for this summer and a girls night- soon!

(Does it look like I was trying to set a record for the most parenthesis used in one post?)

*Hey, I'm having a giveaway later this week, so stay tuned!*


  1. Hey, I've been to church with bed-head. And I'm here to tell you that you did the right thing - - stay home!!

  2. I had a little snort laugh about the not going to church with bedhead. I've solved this problem by going everywhere with bedhead, so no one thinks anything's askew.
    I love that you are close to your sisters.

  3. Sisters are always good for a chat. I chatted with two of mine today. (I have 4.) We even ate Cafe Rio salads while we chatted so that was like icing on the cake...err, creamy dressing on the lettuce??

  4. Sisters are always good for a chat. I chatted with two of mine today. (I have 4.) We even ate Cafe Rio salads while we chatted so that was like icing on the cake...err, creamy dressing on the lettuce??

  5. I don't have a sister, only a brother. So, I guess I made sisters out of my friends.

    And I've been to church unshowered and heavily deodorant'ed, so I get you. :)

  6. Bedhead is a pretty permanent condition for me, so I feel your pain. I have two sisters, one is on the other side of the country and the other lives right across town. I probably don't talk to either of them anywhere near as often as I should. It's on my things to fix list, though. ;)


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