Can You Say- Giveaway?

A couple weeks ago, I was contacted by My Memories about doing a giveaway.  I said, 'Yes, please!'
Two reasons. 
 First, because I love my readers and now I have the chance to show them by giving one of them something. I love giving gifts almost as much as I love getting them.  I promise to be fair and not show favorites (and use an online random number picker).  Not  that I have a favorites. Really. I don't.
Second, I got the chance to use the software myself. Cool.  I haven't done much scrapbooking in a long time.  Most of my pictures from the past two years are in my laptop.  Digital scrapbooking seems to be the perfect solution. I can make pages and then print them out.  Awesome!  Here are some pages I made from our reunion pictures.

They have different papers, and embellishments,
as well as video and audio options. 
As a non-techie, I appreciated how easy it was,
plus there's online support. 

I really liked that I could use any of the fonts I have on my computer, 
plus a few that were added with the software. 

(That page alone made it worthwhile.) 

So, here's the deal.  One of my readers will get the My Memories Suite 3 (a $40 value!).
 To enter the contest-

1-Visit the My Memories website and check out their product. Then, come back here and leave a comment telling me which paper pack or layout you liked.  

2- If you follow them on facebook, twitter, or their blog, you can get another entry. (Just let me know you've followed them.)

3- That's it. Easy-peasy. 
The contest will go until Wednesday, the 7th.  I'll post the winner on Thursday. Remember, it's a random drawing. Compliments and cookies will not increase your chances of winning, though they will put you higher on my favorites list. (Which doesn't exist.)

But, wait, there's more!!
If you'd like to buy the product for yourself- bonus!  I have a secret code. Okay, it's not secret.   You can use the code to save $10 on the My Memories Suite Software, as well as a $10 coupon for the store.  

My code is  STMMMS84522 

Good luck!


  1. I use the My Memories Suite for my scrapbooking now, and I LOVE it! Not sure I have a favorite paper pack though. (Not that I need to be in the drawing, I already bought it...although it may need to be updated :))

  2. I like the girlfriends pack...and the film strips are pretty cool too!

    I have won off your site before, I'm banking on a second win!:) Thanks Jewels!

  3. That was a cool site. I loved the Journey Begins pack. I'm not much of a scrapbook person but love looking at others pages.

  4. Maybe if I had something like this I'd actually scrapbook :) It all looked really cool!

  5. I like the XOXOX pages - this is a really neat idea!!!

  6. I like the BoyZ will be BoyZ pack!

  7. I love so many of them but for now my favorite is the Everyday Matters by designer Allstar Alliance. I have never used this type of software and would love to try it! Also, I liked them on fb and joined their blog site. I really like what they have to offer.

  8. I liked the Celebrate Motherhood and The Journey Begins. Looks like an easy way to scrapbook.


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