Need to Stop and Catch my Breath

We've had two birthdays in the past two days. For real.

Spencer turned 13 yesterday.
I now have 5 teenagers. Ack!

Jacob is 18 today.
Sheesh. Where did the time go?

Between that, and delivering Jacob's Eagle Scout project,

He (and friends) made 31 diversion boxes
for the children at the hospital.

and having to chauffeur my kids around (with my husband's car, mine is still 'sick'), and drive my husband to and from Salt Lake for work (45 min each way), I haven't been on my computer much.

Tomorrow is looking much better.


  1. Great to feel needed ain't it?

  2. Happy birthday to everyone! Danny's was Monday. I'm thinking we're going to skip Chuck E. Cheese next year and make diversion boxes. What wonderful kids!!

    1. The boxes were lots of fun for Jake and his friends. I forget how service is so good for kids. I think doing them for a birthday is a great idea!

  3. I love the idea of diversion boxes, such a lovely idea. Happy birthday to your boys and good luck with 5 teenagers, I'm having a hard enough time with a 4 year old and a 7 year old!

    1. Well, three of them will be moving out in the next 6 months, so that helps. :-)

  4. No...but wait a minute...wait a have FIVE TEENAGERS?!? You live in a high school homeroom. Your Jacob's service project is so lovely. Happy birthday to both of your boys!

    1. Yep. Two 19 year-olds, one 18, one 16 and now one 13. Just imagine the drama of a high school homeroom and that's my house.

  5. I can't believe how old our kids are getting!! Remember the first day we our oldests' kindergarten does time fly or what!!

    1. It doesn't seem possible that it was so long ago. Good thing we haven't aged, eh?


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