On the Eve of my Oldest Child's Birthday
19 years ago, at this very hour, I went into labor for the first time. The contractions were tentative at first, irregular, but definitely more intense than the braxton hicks I'd previously felt. These followed an appointment with my doctor, where he performed what must be recorded in the annals of medieval torture. Stripping of the membranes. Holy white-hot pain! If I hadn't wanted to have my baby so badly, I would've taken my foot out of the stirrup and kicked him in the head. (On a side note- I've had two OB's, both of them men. I adored them and was completely satisfied by the care they gave me. BUT, every time they said to me, 'This will hurt a little' and then went on to cause pain they couldn't comprehend in an area they don't have, I wanted to flick their ear. Or gouge their eyes with my big toe. Looking back, it may have been more prudent to have a female doctor. *sigh* Live and learn.) So, my contractions began and the 'plan...